Dian Cecht, Human, Male, AL N
Cloistered Cleric of Mouqol 4
Str07, Dex10, Con14, Int14, Wis18+1(Level up), Cha12; aging to middle age
HD: 4d6+8(24)
BAB/Grapple: +2/+1
ST: Fort+6, Ref+1, Will+8
Init: +0
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 15(+4armor, +1shield)
Feat: Skill Focus(Knowledge:Religion), Scribe Scroll, Divine Metamagic
Skill: Bluff7, Concentration7, Diplomacy7, Knowledge(Arcane)1, Knowledge(Religion)7, Knowledge(Nature)5, Knowledge(the Planes)1, Knowledge(Architect)5, Knowledge(Dungeonniering)1, Knowledge(History)1, Knowledge(Geography)1, Knowledge(Local)5, Knowledge(Psionics)1, Knowledge(Space)7, Spellcraft7
Special: Lore(as Bardic Knowledge), Domain(Knowledge, Travel, Trickery), Turn Undead(4/day)
Possessions: Material Component Pouch, Divine Focus for Augury, Chain Shirt, Masterwork Light Shield(wooden), Morningstar, Light Crossbow, Heward's Handy Haversack, Wand of Cure Light Wounds(50 charges), Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds, Fly, Prayer, Invisibility*2, Augury*2, Remove Paralysis*2, Align Weapon*2, Lesser Restoration*2, Silence*2, Longstrider, Bless*2, Remove Fear*2, Obscuring Miste, Shield of Faith*2
Comment: 白兵/射撃共に戦闘能力は全くありません。パーティにWizが居ないので、Arcane Spellの中でも重要な移動系呪文の提供(もうちょっとレベルが上がってからの話ですが)と、Knowledge Skill及びLoreによる情報収集能力とDiplomacy、Bluffによる交渉能力の提供が主たる役割だと考えています。攻撃的な呪文もあまり無いので、戦闘中は後手なキャラクタです。目指すはDivine Oracle。